This is the time of year where I don't get to come up for air. Luckily, over the years, I have developed gills! ;) I just finished one of the three different calendars I build each year. I build one for my parents, one for my husband and I, and one for the Larson family. The trick is keeping them all straight and making sure each grandchild is represented on each page (the Larson family has 10 grandkids). Before we moved back to Iowa, my sisters-in-law would build the Larson calendar with paper scissors and glue. Then they would scan each page, put together the calendar, and take it to Office Max for binding. That seemed like a lot of wasted time and pictures (they cut them all up and taped them to paper!) to me so I decided to modernize the process with some digital scraping. I started out building each page with the digi supplies I had. It took awhile but is conserved our pics from being sliced and diced (this was before digital cameras were the norm). Luckily, digital camera saved me from scanning pics and I finally got smart and started buying a calendar kit from
The Shabby Shoppe! LOVE THEM!! They make life so much easier and even though I still have the task of getting each kid on each page, it goes SO much quicker when I don't have to design each page also!
Here's a peek at the calendar for my husband and I:

Here's the cover.


November (my fav!)

Here's peek at what the actual calendar pages look like. I go through each for each family and put in all the holidays and birthdays/anniversaries so they don't have to write them in. Thanks for looking!
very would be too much work if done with cricut.the colors are perfect.